
I don't know why but it was incredibly difficult to compose this particular entry. I'm torn between wanting to rant, praise, and maybe throwing up a high five. With that confused set up, let's get down to it. Director Oliver Stone obviously thinks presidents are a little more than fascinating..."JFK", "Nixon", "W."...let's face it, these guys weren't just any old presidents. They were and continue to be iconic figures in America's history. Stone is also clearly obsessed with America in a more general sense...think back to films such as "Platoon", "World Trade Center", and "Any Given Sunday". "Platoon" has been the only one of his films I really could get into..and then came "W." - to my utter shock I was on board from the opening 5 minutes.

Surprisingly "W." takes a scalpel to the caricature of the George W. Bush that has permeated the media for the past few years and it's incredibly refreshing to see that through all the mayhem and subsequent hatred that has ensued there's a man. There's obviously no way to know how much of it is factual or not but to even get a glimpse behind the scenes of what might have happened is somehow intriguing. Don't go into this expecting a Michael Moore witch hunt but give it a whirl.

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